event details

The Renewable Energy Industries Association of Malawi (REIAMA) in collaboration with the Ministry of Energy and UNDP is calling all stakeholders to an open and inclusive first 2022 National Energy Conference.

Government, Bulk energy users, private sector, IPPs, NGOs/CSOs, academia/researchers, consultants, development partners /donors, financial institutions, entrepreneurs/innovators, media, exhibitors, and Individuals.

  • Harnessing energy in the national development equation: The road ahead
  • Tightening the synergy bolts in the energy sector: steadfast, focused on one vision
  • Energy woes: Will commerce and industry ever breathe?
  • Creating the impossible in the energy sector
  • Electricity generation, transmission, and regional interconnectivity Energy transition to renewables
  • Oil, gas exploration, and drilling in Malawi

Acc Name        : REIAMA 

Acc Nomber   : 0001001959747

Bank                  : National Bank

Branch              : Lilongwe